Mas Torrencito

Possibly the best rural house in Girona to go with pets.

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Mastorrencito casa rural pet frienly en Girona

Welcome to mas torrencito

The first pet-friendly cottage that accepts people

Mas Torrencito is a rural tourism accommodation with dogs in the province of Girona that offers a unique experience for you and your pet, with water and food bowls in every room and food and feed available. Enjoy the tranquillity of our relaxed environment and explore the local routes to visit with your pet. Book now and experience an unforgettable holiday at Mas Torrencito, the perfect rural hotel for you and your family!»


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Hello, I introduce myself, I'm Miguel...

… and I’m going to tell you how the idea of Mas Torrencito came about, an adventure full of unexpected twists and turns that in the end became something truly beautiful.

I lived in Salamanca, where I was a professor at the university of graphic design. And believe it or not, there was a time when he wore a hairstyle, a plain shirt, a tie, trousers and loafers… TRUTH!!! Everything changed when I met a student from a master’s degree I was teaching. She was French and, as love knows no borders, I left everything and took a sabbatical year to go and live in Nice. We set up a beach bar near Cannes, and it went very well. It went so well that we decided we could set up something similar elsewhere.

And this is where our journey begins. We decided to look for a suitable place and, my goodness! We found a mansion in Cehegín, Murcia. We went to see it several times and, after much to-ing and fro-ing, we bought it. But after a week or two, we sold it. Because, let’s see, who in their right mind is going to come here every day and from where? Not to mention the investment it required? And to top it all off, that summer it was over 50 degrees in the sun. MAMMA MIA! So we went back to Nice with our tails between our legs.

In our never-ending search, Saint Google showed us a property in another place. Oh, my God! We fell in love with it…. What a mistake! What a tremendous mistake! We didn’t know what we were getting into. 125W light, one bathroom, rats the size of rabbits, and the outside…. I don’t even want to talk about it. It was a total disaster. And so, without realising it, we have been here for more than 17 years now, wondering at what point we thought this was a good idea.

Here I have suffered unspeakably with the work on the house and, of course, with the relationship as a couple. I have become a SUPER SLAVE. This goes for the brave ones who want to get into this world: it is not as nice as it seems. I’ve been here for a long time and we’re still working and investing. It’s non-stop.

Looking back, I see with good eyes that we have made good friends and we have formed a great doggy family that many of you have known and that has accompanied us in good times and bad. Who does not remember Don Markos, my supercojo, or Doña Manuela, the queen of the house, or Max «el gorrilla» of Mas Torrencito? And, of course, Macarena, Mató, Matías, Marcelino, Martina (the intrepid cat), and Mr. Mastín, the appeaser, who was unjustly taken away from us by an illness at the tender age of 5 years old? And now enjoying Masto, Maky, Mastitwo and Mamas.

Besondere Worte für meine liebe Mireia, die mich erträgt, mich unterstützt und mir Ermutigung und Kraft gibt, dieses Lebensprojekt fortzusetzen. Ohne sie wäre diese Arbeit viel schwieriger fortzusetzen.

Und dann sind da noch SIE, liebe Kunden. Es ist wie bei Pantone, es gibt alle Farben. Aber wir haben es geschafft, ein kleines Hundeparadies zu schaffen. Und warum hündisch? Ganz einfach, weil sie besser, treuer und dankbarer sind als Menschen. Dieses kleine Haus wurde Mas Torrent genannt, aber es stellt sich heraus, dass es neben Pals ein Relax Chateau namens Mas de Torrent gibt. Fünf Sterne, großer Luxus, zwei Michelin-Sterne im Restaurant, ein wahrer Genuss. Natürlich hatten wir schlaue Kunden, die dachten, dass sie für unseren Preis dorthin gehen könnten. Und sie tauchten auf und verlangten ihre Reservierung… Was für eine Aufregung sie machten! Um weiteren Ärger zu vermeiden, schloss ich das Haus, stornierte alle Reservierungen, schloss die Website und wir begannen von vorne mit diesem wunderschönen Projekt, das heute Mas Torrencito ist, das erste Haus für Haustiere, das auch Menschen aufnimmt.

Y qué cambio, de verdad. Sois unos amores, aunque, como en cualquier jardín, siempre sale algún cardo borriquero que lo estropea todo. Anécdotas tenemos cientos, por no decir miles, pero nos quedamos con lo mejor: que eres TÚ, querido cliente.

The rural house

The best rural house in Girona to travel with your pet.

The rooms

Rooms specially designed for your and your pet's well-being.


offers you a complete experience to enjoy with your friends, family and pet.
Vista aérea de Girona

In l'Empordà region

A privileged location

Just a few kilometers away we have a great variety of cities, landscapes, rivers, marshes, monuments… L’Escala at 14 km, Figueres at 15 km, Girona at 20 km and Besalú at 27 km.


